I’ve seen lots of gift ideas/guides this year. As I was looking through some of these gift guides trying to figure out what to get my kids for Christmas I started to think about gifts I did not want my kids to get.
You know, those gifts that when the kids open them you shudder inside while forcing yourself to plaster a fake smile on your face. Yes, those gifts.
So, this year to save all of my fellow parents I put together a DO NOT BUY FOR KIDS Christmas list with some help from my fans on Facebook.
You’re welcome.
Anything with glitter
Glitter, along with angel food cake, was invented by the devil. It is truly evil and any arts/crafts project that comes with glitter should be outlawed immediately. I don’t really think I need to say more.
The only exception to the glitter rule is glitter nail polish. And only if the child is old enough to use it without making a mess and needing parent supervision.

My assy friend, Amanda, said that PlayDoh is a hell no in her house and I would have to agree. That stuff is messy and always ends up in the carpet, the cracks of the tile, on the dogs, and other not so great places. As much fun as it is for the kids to play with – as much NOT fun it is for mommy to clean up.
Nerf Guns

As a mom of girls my house doesn’t see a lot of Nerf guns but I do remember them from my childhood. They have lots of pieces which will inevitably get lost, broken, chewed up by dumb dogs, etc. And then once the pieces are lost, whining will start. No one wants a whining child. Trust me.
Musical Instruments

Unless you can find the one and only quiet musical instrument, don’t bother buying anything from this category. My kids have guitars, drums, and microphones which means that I have an instant headache whenever the band starts. Be kind and think quiet toys. Please.
Dolls with little pieces

You know those oh so cute little dolls with the millions of little pieces. Yeah, don’t buy those. Along the same lines of Nerf guns those pieces will get lost and the kids will be sad. Plus, have you ever stepped on a little doll house, shoe, dress, etc? OUCH! Really, don’t buy anything with tiny pieces.
So, please do your fellow parents a favor and skip buying presents from these categories. The only exception would be if the parent specifically asks for one of these ideas and knows full and well what’s in store for them. And if that’s the case, I wish them the best of luck.
My friends, what would you add to this list of do not buy gifts for kids?