Britains climate is for most of the year not exactly suited to outdoor activities and as a result British children are cooped up inside the house much more than those living in warmer and drier countries. However with the sun finally shining it is a good time to switch the television off and take them to the park where children can enjoy playground equipment installed there. And as research as proved, time spent here is more valuable than the assumption that parents have of this activity being simply a way to keep their kids occupied for a couple of hours. Here are some of the health benefits of playground equipment.
Physical Benefits
The health concerns of children overweight as a result of a lack of exercise and a less than satisfactory diet are well-known and taken together these factors have resulted in British kids being some of the fattest in the world. It does not help that Britain has one of the widest selections of TV programmes in the world and it is all too easy to dump kids in front of the box to distract them so that parents can get on with the never-ending list of important tasks. However this is hardly going to provide them with the foundation of a healthy lifestyle that they will continue into later life and playgrounds are underappreciated for they are valuable form of physical exercise for children, with the various pieces of equipment on offer being great for strength, balance, coordination and flexibility.
Social Benefits
One of the great things about these areas is that they offer a great social space for children. It is well known that the most important stage of a brains development is the first 6 years of a persons life and this interaction in a safe and secure space is important for helping them reach the potential of their social intelligence. Parents will also benefit from space since they will meet parents of children of a similar age and they can build a network of friends who can share advice on childrearing techniques.
Mental Benefits
From a childs perspective the many playthings on offer at a playground offer an assortment of daunting challenges. Conquering them gives them a feeling of accomplishment, particularly when they are being watched by proud and vocally supportive parents and they can walk away from an afternoon at the playground having built confidence that will be useful in later life. Furthermore, time spent here can stimulate the development of sensory and motor skills necessary for success in life.
It is a shame that an increasing lack of space combined with the paranoia in Britain about strangers lurking in parks with the intention of kidnapping young children means that the number of playgrounds is declining around the country, and on a side note this is having a bearing on the playground industry as a whole. Bringing the many benefits of playgrounds to the attention of the public at large is a win-win situation for children and playground manufacturing, installation and maintenance companies